Sweet Rhubarb

Vocals, Guitar, Banjo, Harmonica, and Percussion
Ann Fate

Burna Krugler
Vocals, Guitar, Banjo, and Bass
Vocals, Bass, Guitar, and Harmonica
Priscilla Thomas
Sweet Rhubarb is based in St. Paul, MN. Not inclined to settle into a particular genre, they toss in elements of folk, pop, bluegrass, country, and this 'n' that. Vocal harmonies are the signature element of their performances, which include a mix of well crafted original songs and covers from all over the map - any good song is fair game.
Burna Krugler (vocals, guitar, bass and occasional banjo) has been playing and singing folk music since the 1970's. She brings a silky soprano voice and princess-like refinement to the group, and always has a tissue up her sleeve. Her other musical endeavors include The Ladies Music Club (theladiesmusicclub.net)
Ann Fate (vocals, guitar, banjo, harmonica and percussion) had hidden her talents in gatherings of family and friends until dragged by her merciless cohorts into the public eye. Her sweet lilting voice goes with her effervescent personality and curly hair.
Priscilla Thomas (vocals, bass, guitar, occasional harmonica) played bass in a couple of rock and jazz groups in the 1980's and is back after inexplicably giving it up for 20 years. She provides a rich alto anchor to the harmonies and has been known to run screaming from the room (in a loving and supportive way) at an out-of-tune note. Other musical endeavors include the Twin Cities based trio, Barrel Flash (www.barrelflashband.com)